

D-League's Idaho Stampede Purchased As Affiliate For Fall Intramural Team

I am proud to announce the purchase of the NBA Developmental League's Idaho Stampede to serve as the exclusive affiliate for my intramural squad, Matt's Pajamas. Following the trend started by the Los Angeles Lakers (which bought the LA D-Fenders), and right off the heels of the World Champion San Antonio Spurs' recent purchase of the Austin Toros, I felt the timing was right to jump on this opportunity before any other organizations beat me to the punch.

Now owning my own D-League affiliate will assuredly have its benefits. I mean, what other intramural team will have the good fortune of being able to allow its players to get vital in-game experience in between intramural contests. Like when Jordan Farmar became the first player to play in an NBA and D-League game in one day, I plan on having the first player to play in a D-League and intramural game in the same day. Looks like that Mondays at 10:30 pm time slot was a real blessing in disguise.

In addition to the individual benefits that come from the increased opportunites to get on the floor, owning the Stampede will be the perfect chance to put in some extra work on my offensive system. That's right, just like the Lakers have the D-Fenders run the Triangle, I am going to have the Stampede run our intramural offense, which primarily consists of isolation plays designed to complement my mastery of the Jimmy Dolan Shake 'n Bake.

The only regret that I have about this entire process is that the Austin Toros (those blood-suckers) swept newly-hired head coach Quin Snyder right out from underneath me. I had been courting him pretty exclusively ever since Missouri sentenced themselves to a future of mediocrity by letting Snyder walk a few years back. In hindsight, devoting the majority of my spare time to wooing a hypothetical head coaching candidate may not have been the best use of my time, but as you may or may not know, I require anyone on my coaching staff to have passed the bar exam, so that really kind of tied my hands on the issue. I probably should have had a some sort of backup plan, but my ownership style is all about taking big risks and getting big rewards. I wonder if Pat Summitt has a law degree...and if she's free Mondays at 10:30...


Anonymous said...

Literally laughing out loud. This stuff is great.

Anonymous said...

I am your man. JD and willing to live in Idaho.