

If You're Not Watching Summer League Ball, May God Have Mercy On Your Soul

I know what you're thinking, and no, I'm not going to pretend that the Summer League means much, if anything. But I just finished watching the China-Cavs game on NBATV, and it really was the cherry on top of what was a great first weekend of Summer League games. Obviously the big story was Yi's nice second half culminating in his game-winner at the buzzer. It is going to be very interesting to monitor his development. Unfortunately that likely means that I will have to subject myself to Bucks games in order to do so.

Yi isn't the reason I felt compelled to post though. In fact, whenever possible I will try not to subject you to regurgitated and obvious opinions. While Yi and future Laker (and 6'9'' PG might I add) Yue Sun were the hot topics of discussion amongst the commentators, a less-heralded sharpshooter named Shipeng Wang happened to catch my eye. Now I didn't notice him having quite the same impact in the previous games, but that guy can play a little. If someone doesn't have his rights, he might be worth taking a flyer on in the second round one of these years. He's 24, experienced and can hit the open J. There are always teams that can use someone like that - like the team he helped defeat tonight. I'm going to keep an eye on him, partly because I think he can play and partly because I don't currently have a life. For those of you with lives, I'll let you know what I find out. Before I change gears slightly though, I have one more thought regarding Shipeng...What if William Hung hasn't actually been butchering Ricky Martin's "She Bangs" but in fact been trying desperately to enlighten NBA scouts to the best kept secret in China: Shi-Peng! Shi-Peng! For William Hung's sake, I hope I'm right.

I would be remiss if I did not give my obligatory props to a former Gator who I can't help but get giddy over when I see him on the offensive side of the floor (notice I said offensive). Matty Walsh somehow still can get it done offensively, in spite of his hair really losing some volume since he went over to Greece. I know I will get ripped by those of you who value defense and athleticism in a player, but I'm sorry, he makes things happen when the ball's in his hands. Somehow Walsh ended up running point for the Cavs for basically the entire second half. I don't know if that was an ingenius move by the coaching staff or if they blacked out and Walsh subbed himself in. Either way, he dropped a few sick dimes and hit a ridiculous trey from like 30 feet to put the Cavs up before Yi stole the spotlight. Obviously Walsh will not make the Cavs, but last time I checked they needed perimeter shooting and when you look at their Summer League roster, he's about all they have. They couldn't...They wouldn't...I mean they were subbing offense-defense to get him off the floor when China had the ball. That means that you're either too important to keep off the court or too hilariously awkward on defense to play both ways. We all know the answer to that, but for one night, Matty Walsh can dream.

Side note: For the sake of Taurean Green's chances of making a roster, I really hope this Summer League doesn't close with us all agreeing that Walsh was the most effective former Gator playing PG this week.

Anyway, Blazers-Mavs just started. I've gotta go get my Pops Mensah-Bonsu fix.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As dissappointing as the Walsh, Roberson, Lee years were for the Gators...they sure as heck were fun to watch play. "Peep from deep! Book it." Walsh's spectacular passes and David Lee's reverse dunks. Come on Walsh...go to the Grizzlies so we can see you in the Suns system.