

Marcus Banks Drops Record 42 On Cavs, But...

For those of you giddy over last night's record-breaking Summer League scoring effort by the Suns' Marcus Banks, I am here to shed a bit of perspective on the accomplishment, and this in no way has anything to do with any sort of sour grapes on behalf my newfound Italian Stallion, Marco Belinelli, now having only the third highest point total in a Summer League game.

Those of you who know me know that I only occasionally harbor basketball-related grudges, and almost never when they relate to my precious Suns. But if I'm gonna play devil's advocate on this one, and bring a sense of unbiased reason to this debate, then I would have to simply bring up the fact that this is completely unjust and Marcus Banks has no place in the Summer League. I mean, at the risk of sounding like a four-year old, it's just not fair. Actually, that brings up a good point. Marcus Banks is like a four-year old...a four-year old playing with a bunch of one- and two-year olds. The Summer League is no place for a four-year vet that recently signed a five-year, 21-million dollar contract. I think we'll all agree now that the record-breaking performance just doesn't hold up to scrutiny. Let's face it, the last time I played against a bunch of one- and two-year olds, I looked like Hot Sauce out there. They just don't have the muscle coordination yet. Like the mothers of the toddlers I was crossing over said, "It's just not right..."

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