

Charles Oakley Contemplates Comeback; GMs Smile And Nod Uncomfortably While Slowly Backing Out Of Room

Charles Oakley, beloved former enforcer for the New York Knicks, believes that he can still contribute to an NBA franchise and has begun discussing a potential comeback to the league.

Out of the NBA since a brief stint with the Rockets in 2004, Oakley insinuated to reporters that he feels confident that he could provide invaluable leadership to a young team. In addition, Oakley intimated that he could easily give a team like the Cavs, who were swept from the NBA Finals, the type of play that they currently lack.

"Look at how bad Cleveland was in the NBA Finals," said Oakley to a group of reporters outside his training facility. "They had big guys who couldn't move and can't shoot. They never knocked Tony Parker on his butt.

"I'm not saying I'm better than guys who play every day. But I can play 20 minutes a night. I understand the game. I can shoot, make free throws and defend. A lot of teams don't have a general on the floor. I'm not trying to steal from anybody. Give me a tryout and if you don't think I can do it, then just cut me."

Though Oakley would not specify whether or not he has had contact with any specific teams, he did mention the Knicks and Cavs, among others, as potential destinations that would benefit from his services.

When reached for comment, Knicks GM Isiah Thomas giggled nervously, saying "Charles? Yeah, Charles could be a real asset...Did you say Cleveland? I think that would be a great fit. The Cavs could use some toughness and leadership. Yeah, definitely Cleveland..."

Cavs GM Danny Ferry had a similarly benevolent reaction to Oakley's interest in a comeback.

"Boy, Charles Oakley is a legend in this game and if he thinks he can still play, who'd argue with him?" said Ferry as he darted his gaze back and forth uncomfortably. "You know, he had so many wonderful seasons in New York that I couldn't imagine him making a comeback with any other team. It just wouldn't feel right, you know?"

No tryout dates have currently been arranged.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would LOVE to see Oakley make a come back but as a coach instead of a player.New York could use him in the front office.If he comes back I hope it's with New York because we Love him here.Good luck Charles.