
8.04.2007 Rookie Survey Reveals Morris Almond Voted For Himself In Every Category has released the results of its 2007-2008 Rookie Survey, which was conducted during the Rookie Photo Shoot on July 27th. The 44 players in attendance were asked to respond to 10 questions about this particular draft class, ranging from 'which rookie is ready to contribute right away?' to 'which rookie is being most overlooked?'.

For the most part, the findings turned out as the media might have expected, but that does not mean that the results were met without some amount of disagreement among the players.

The biggest scandal appears to stem from Golden State's Marco Belinelli's suggestion that Utah's Morris Almond padded his own votes.

"Morris Almond as best shooter - ridiculous!" blasted an irate Belinelli, clearly up-in-arms over his own third place finish in the category. "I saw his ballot when he was filling it out. He put himself for every answer."

Though promised a livid Belinelli that they would launch a full-scale investigation into the matter, they are not actually going to do anything and have confirmed the veracity of the results to several media outlets.

"When it comes to his reputation as a shooter, Marco is very prideful, and rightfully so," explained a source for "However, what we're not sure he understands is that he finished third in the voting and was actually four votes behind Morris. Maybe they tally votes differently in Italy, but I'm not optimistic that Marco will find the resolution he is seeking."

When asked for his opinion on the matter, Morris Almond quizzically replied, "Who's Marco Belinelli? Is he the Formula 1 driver?"

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