

DeShawn Stevenson's Annual Magic: The Gathering Tournament Escalates Into Gun Battle

Wizards guard DeShawn Stevenson's annual Magic: The Gathering Tournament devolved into tragedy Monday morning as an unidentified participant was shot in the leg.

The tournament, which had become one of the most anticipated charity events on the NBA calendar, has always been known to provide a competitively charged atmosphere enjoyed by many of the participants. It appears that this competitive spirit of the event once again boiled over however, leading neighbors to call police to the Stevenson mansion after hearing gun shots.

"After so many people died last year, we weren't sure if it would be wise to bring back the tournament this year," explained Stevenson outside of his Orlando-area mansion. "It looks like we may need to take an extra year to cool off this time."

It was initially rumored that the victim of the gunshot might in fact be a current NBA player, but as no NBA player would publicly admit to being so invested in a game of Magic: The Gathering as to engage in a gun battle, that report has since been refuted.

No word yet as to what effect, if any, this has on Larry Hughes' Yu-Gi-Oh! tournament scheduled for next month.

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