

Troy Hudson Releases Rap Album; World Apparently Not Ready

Minnesota point guard Troy Hudson, or T-Hud as he's known in the music community, released his debut rap album on July 17th. The album, entitled Undrafted, sold 78 copies in its first week. While sales certainly eclipsed the initial projections that indicated Hudson's immediate family as the only likely purchasers, it still sent a clear message to mediocre veteran point guards throughout the NBA that the global marketplace may not quite be ready for the kind of talent capable of both rhyming words and scoring 5.9 points a game. This does not appear to bode well for the upcoming release of Spurs point guard Beno Udrih's own debut album, Unchain My Game, Mother F*cker.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I literally was coming to comment about this on your're on top of it.